This post is part 2 of a 5-part series, World in Crisis. Read part 1 here.
In our last blog, I began to explore the Problem of Hope. Without hope, we don’t even try. And we end up in despair or worse.
The lack of hope sets the stage for another crisis – the lack of creativity and ideas. The lack of hope shrinks the ability of our minds to consider solutions. We fool ourselves into believing there is no solution to the challenges around us or in our lives. Ideas are the seeds behind the vision. Vision is the maturing of ideas that lead to plans. Without ideas based on hope, we have no vision, no plans or actions. We accept the status quo and throw up our hands in defeat.
That is the problem of ideas. With no hope, we often go back to old ideas… ideas that developed in former times when there was hope. But those ideas were for another time and are often not the ideas needed to create breakthroughs in todays world. Each generation needs its own faith, hope, love, and creativity to face the needs of its day.
When we dare to believe – to surrender to reckless faith – the ideas will start to flow. Our creative energy comes from God and his endless resources. And it is shaped by His abundant love for the world. Our field of vision becomes grand and all-encompassing; we see the clearer vision, the root of issues. We are not afraid to go to the source of problem because we know going there will not discourage us as before. But it will give us wisdom and insights about the best solutions.
Lack of ideas and hopeful creativity fuels the grand resignation. When we collectively in our communities, nations, and families, say, “I see no way out of this”. It leads to a hopeless busyness of doing things to appear like we care, but not a true belief that what we are doing will lead to long-term sustainable solutions.
I believe we are stuck in this busyness mode on a global scale. We are unwilling to face the actual deep issues behind our challenges – because we have no faith there is a way out. It’s a global (local and personal) version of the ostrich with its head in the sand.
As I hope you know, this blog is not to encourage despair but to define some of the strongholds and false narratives that control our lives and limit our actions. This is the groundwork of a movement of hope, leading to a groundswell of ideas and innovation. God’s creativity in creation is astounding. It is not only in creation out there, but in His plans for each of us.
Psalm 40:5 says, “Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, and the things you planned for us. Nothing can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare”.
There are solutions for all challenges in the world. Let’s dare to believe that God wants to and will rekindle hope in each of us leading to an awakening of our creativity and ideas for changing our world.
To learn more on this topic, listen to the Mission Qritical podcast hosted by our parent organization Lead555.