Structure Blocks: Groups
The moment has finally arrived! We’re now ready to dive in and explore each of the 15 block types that are central to Assembli.
The moment has finally arrived! We’re now ready to dive in and explore each of the 15 block types that are central to Assembli.
We are excited to begin a series of blog posts that FINALLY get into the details of Assembli, and why we believe it can and will become a game changer.
Are you one of the growing number of people that believes change is possible—in fact, probable? I hope so. In reality, the question is not IF change can and will happen, but rather… will you be a part of it or be a spectator? To Jesus, it matters which you are, so answer carefully.
Unfortunately, our tendency as humans is to externalize problems and blame others or blame the system. In my first four blog posts, I’ve tried to steer you in the opposite direction. I urged you to look inward and take a more personal look at what’s happening in the world.
Merriam-Webster defines lukewarm as being tepid; lacking conviction; half-hearted. Being lukewarm in our faith and Christian convictions is a problem that’s more detestable to God than either being hot or cold.
One aspect of mission work that is extremely overlooked is logistics. Larger organizations handle it internally, and a few agencies are committed to some logistics services dedicated to Kingdom work.
Hope is a very underrated strategic factor when we talk about change. We often see hope as something we give away. It is more of the end result rather than part of the process. But without hope at the beginning, we don’t even try to pursue change.
There are some core beliefs that you and I must have, some mind shifts that must addressed before you can believe
The place where we aim to spark a movement of hope and compassion within the Christian community…a movement that is entirely possible, and involves you at the very core.
This is a movement with a place for everyone. A place where all who have experienced the grace of God, or desire to, can band together in every village and nation in the world to bring hope to those who need hope, and to change what seems impossible to change.